Welcome to our JOTA Guestbook
31 entries.
Thanks for a great page. Well done, Frank !
Have a smashing JOTA with or without restrictions.
Thank you for setting this up and I hope to hear some of Scouting friends on air over JOTA w/e. keep safe Nigel, GW7VJK
operating GB0RSC and looking out across the Brecon Beacons
Hi to you all ! And hope you will get a rememberable JOTA-JOTI this year. Unfortunately we are not joining this year but wish you and all scouts over the world a healthy and good Jamboree !
Tomas SA0AZX - member of Lidingö Bodals Sjöscoutkår/Seascouts in Sthlm (Normally participating as SK0RJ.
73 !
I am one of the Hams who will be helping the expected 70 Scouts operating from the Bayview Den site for JOTA.
We will be operating through Saturday night so hope to make contact with some overseas groups.
The Scout Leaders have done the Risk assessment and we will be compliant with the Virus requirements with extra cleaning distancing etc.
We have been Rxing European stations in the afternoons and evenings so hopefully that will see us having contacts with you.
Our callsign will be VK4CNS -the Cairns Radio Club callsign.
As a member of the GB2GP team on and off since 1966 [GB3GP then ] I must congratulate those of the team that have produced this WEB SITE. It should give so many Scouts a FUN way into the many forms of Communications .
Look forward to working you on 80 or 40. We will have around 10 Scouts all eager to pass greetings messages to other Scouts or leaders. The Scouts will also be logging for their Communicator Activity Badge. John GM8JBJ operating GB2SBS - Borders District, SE Scotland.
Dear, I am part of the Scout Group Tupã-Ci of the City of Porto Alegre, Brazil! It is a pleasure to visit the GB2GP station website in Gilwell Park! 73! PY3AES
Looks good! some really great activities!
Scout in Brazil, nice site!
Impressed with the opening video. Best of luck to all of you for your efforts in these restricted times.
Nice to see this website taking shape - good luck with JOTA!